Quick classification of web2.0 - 4 elements: prosumer, remote applications, social, APIs
where do universities fit in?
who are our students?
where do they live (what space do they inhabit online)?
how do they learn outside the classroom?
Preparing new students:
Interesting concept of flexible identity across different spaces and environments
Facing a very different workplace
No Medial Hauntings - really interesting concept, new users don't have previous version hauntings they stand alone Ref: Sloane "Haunting history of J" Passions and Pedagogies in the 21st Century Hawisher and Selfe
New Learning Models - our games and our classrooms take approaches that are "learn by experiment"or "learn by social interaction" ie divided along gender lines, can new technologies enable both in the same place Sheri Graner Ray Gender Inclusive Game Design: Expanding the Market (2003)
Hypermediated (TV with multi-info)
Compare and contrast how things work (like information, chat etc) within a VLE and the social IM spaces, gaming environments that they inhabit socially. It is a very engaging premise, and the idea of how sophisticated the students (pre-14) use of technology and gaming is. But again a bit of VLE knocking - not sensing much empathy with the fear 2.0 concept. One example was Bb chat v Radius IM which mashes IM with google maps - and as a response on twitter windygap96 posts "radius vs. Bb chat...how many times have faculty told me they cannot manage the Bb chat imagine trying to get them to use radius? how do I?"
So my questions are (as always) - is this how it really is? are they in these spaces in the UK? "all their social interactions are IM, social networks, twitter" hmmm - how does this resonate with the research we have been doing recently? If this is the case in the US (if?) are we going to get this soon or is it never really going to have the reach within a UK cultural context. IMing hasn't replaced texting in the UK as predicted a couple of years ago.
On the other hand - Some great stuff about identity, rhetorical construct, feeling "different", community engagement online, encouraging specific behaviours, translating ideas, changing roles in dramatic ways
Students projects:
- exploring how the growth in open source software will reduce the cost of higher education.
- visitors blindfolded in the space to translate idea of cultural literacy
[aside from twitter George Mason have renamed their Digital Fluency Center as a Collaborative Learning Centre, gardnercampbell twitters: "Collaborative Learning Center" an easier sell to provost than "Digital Fluency Center." Interesting. Also, importance of a dedicated space."]
oops, too much twitter:

Questions about Croquet (http://www.opencroquet.org/index.php/Main_Page) her response was yes, its OK, (harder to use?) future is probably in multiverse - is that the right name?
Thank you for asking the important question again: is this really the picture and is the UK different and is SHU different again? I am concluding that this is very important so we don't make silly claims and raise expectations unnecessarily - however if we see the future and we think it is good then AI must go for it. The important thing is to be very clear about our starting points and assumptions.
"something is technically wrong" is now my joint favourite error message (the other one being "hold your clicks! flickr has the hiccups"). and intellagirl is such a brilliant, super-hero name.
i'm going to artfully dodge your questions about 'is it like this/will it reach the UK' (must.resist.temptation.to.be.cynical.) - and instead say that the ideas of flexible identities and medial hauntings are thought provoking. i just googled "medical haunting" for a bit of background info. however, i soon realised my mistake, and googled "medial haunting" instead - which brought me to intellagirl's blog, and a very thoughtful post about natives/immigrants: ubernoggin
hmmmm...going to mull over this a bit more. but first i'm going to follow up some of the haunted medical school references.
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